Thursday, June 25, 2020

Quarantine Crafting In The Studio

With months of staying home its really made me appreciate
the hobbies I have...
Crafting and Creating Sweet Keepsakes for my Etsy Shop
has always been a passion of mine...

Unfortunately Etsy has disappointed me .. it seems that there
are so many craft supplies and commercial items being sold..
and a lot of people that just copy others work!
And my Creations have just sat and sat ...
Giving me a Kinda sick feeling that maybe no one likes what I create!
 so I set out to look  for new outlets to sell my handmade treasures..

I'm Happy to say I have found a couple outlets for my Designs
and I am feeling once again energized that people out there
actually like my Creations... 

Sales are up and I'm getting positive feedback compliments
from buyers... with all the turmoil going on in the World right now
having this positive response well..... its a GOOD thing

And I'm back to my Blog staying positive..

Thanks for Visiting


  1. what is your etsy link and/or where can anyone see your items for purchase??? I'd be interested.

  2. What other forums have you been selling on? I always love your creations!

  3. What sites do you sell on or what is your Etsy account? I would love to purchase some of your craft items! They are so cute!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


Friendships In The Making~